There can be multiple ways to successfully write a research paper, essay, thesis, dissertation or other academic writing assignment. Because of shortage of time and space, I have given a few tips that are followed by reputed and experienced academic writers around the world:
To start with, here are some general tips on how to carry out good academic writing.
1. The very reason and purpose of the particular composition should be taken into consideration.
2. Generation of resources (research material such as, books, search engines, related software etc.)
3. Revisions and alterations should be a routine practice. This enables not only the correction of flaws, but also to maintain a very high standard of writing. It also helps the reader to comprehend the actual continuity of the draft.
4. Final proofreading is mandatory for a clear ending to the task ordained. (Some General Advice on Academic Essay Writing. Prof. C. A. Silber, Department of English, University of Toronto Copyright 2006.
Argument and Evidence:
Here it implies that argument is a key factor in academic writing of any sort. In most of the cases it is the essential element which forms a composition and is the very reason for academic writing. Moreover, it is also important to prove that the argument bears weight. For this there is a need to provide evidences and references that support the argument. This invariably determines a good paper written by a thinker, instead of mediocre writings by mere pen pushers. But this is not the end. You also have to come up with counterarguments to prove that you are thinking beyond what is usually being understood, it also gives an edge to the writer over critics coming up with their own counterarguments. (UNC Writing Center Handout. The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
It is also known that the recognition and revelation of the conventions and practices associated with academic writing coupled with disciplinary knowledge and development of more general abilities to reason and critique, helps in construction of good compositions. The understandings of prevailing theories combined with practical orientations are prerequisites of effective academic writing. Apart from that, the content and the form of writing are both considered, that implies, the language used, the text structure, the construction of argument, grammar and punctuation. (Coffin, Caroline, et al. Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education – Routledge (UK) 2003)
All sources used for this write up have been properly cited below each referenced paragraph. This is a general method of citing references as you write an article or an essay. For proper guidance on specific citation styles, you can consult your professor or educational institution.